About Me

Not entirely sure what to write here, in all honesty.

This is an anonymous blog where I’ll just talk and vent about things in real life. I’ve always been a chronic journal-writer, and although I have a physical journal right now, there’s something cathartic about typing a blog post, y’know?

I’m a 19 year old college student who has both a degenerative joint disease and an un-diagnosed eating disorder with an underweight BMI. Obviously, these two thing affect me a lot and I talk about them way too much. If discussion of weight or calories or any of that upsets you, please just close your browser and don’t actively seek out my posts. I am not in recovery.

I’m currently working towards getting in university, either veterinary school or nursing depending on my grades. I’m a competitive, perfectionist, self-hating douche-bag so grades and student rankings give me heart palpitations and send me into death-spirals of self-hatred on a regular basis.

Besides all of that, I’m a regular, if boring, person who enjoys books, tea, writing fan-fiction, and listening to music.  I’ll be learning to drive soon, and I really hate eggs. Pretty normal, right?

Further Clarification: I am a liberal, left-wing feminist. I am pro-choice, pro-marriage equality, pro-LGBT rights (including trans rights), and am a stout believer in sex worker rights. I am not conservative. I hate Trump and I hate Abbott, etc. etc.



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